If you are a parent in pain with a son or daughter whose choices or challenges have broken your heart, your world revolves around them. The worries of having a child with mental...
Hurting Parents Need Peace with the Unknown Outcome
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Aug 7, 2023 | what you can do
In the beginning of my experience as a hurting parent, I struggled with my intense desire to know how my daughter's journey with alcohol, drugs, depression, self harm, suicide...
Parents in Pain Need to Make Time for Respite
by Tom and Dena Yohe | May 22, 2023 | what you can do
With Father's Day coming my dad has been on my mind. He lived until he was 92 and was a precious man. One of a kind. The best father a kid could ever hope to have. He lived a...
When You Don’t Want Mother’s Day to Come: 4 Ways to Prepare
by Tom and Dena Yohe | May 8, 2023 | holidays, what you can do
Sunday is Mother's Day. Countless numbers of moms all over the world don't want the day to come. Moms whose children are troubled: incarcerated, struggle with an addiction,...
Encouraging Suggestions for Parents in Pain
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Apr 24, 2023 | what you can do
Parents in pain struggle with tremendous amounts of discouragement. Watching our children's lives ebb away because of alcohol or drugs, mental illness, repeated incarceration, or...
Easter’s 3 Messages of Hope for Hurting Parents
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Apr 9, 2023 | what you can do
Today is Easter. Holidays are hard when you're the parent of a child who brings you heartache. How old they are doesn't matter. If they struggle with a potentially life-altering...
Joy for Parents in Pain Over the Holidays?
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Dec 26, 2022 | what you can do
Are you a parent in pain who has no joy this holiday season? Can you relate to one of these situations? Your son is in jail with an unknown outcome looming in the future. Your...
Beauty from the Ashes of Parenting a Self-Destructive Daughter
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Oct 24, 2022 | hope
My life felt like ashes. Would ever be able to laugh or smile again? The ashes were from my experiences as the mom of a troubled daughter. My daughter, Renee, kept me in constant...
4 Reasons for Parents Not to Give Up On their Troubled Kids
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Oct 10, 2022 | what you can do
"I give up. I can't do this anymore. It's too hard. I'm not strong enough for the job. It's beyond my capacity. I need help." This was how I felt about the lady finger palms...
A Story of Hope for Parents in Pain
by Tom and Dena Yohe | May 2, 2022 | hope
When parents in pain center their attention on their problems, they lose their focus...and their hope. When we're consumed with fear and what-ifs, it's an indicator we don't...
Sometimes Parents Feel Guilty
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Apr 11, 2022 | what you can do
My daughter was going to rehab. She had graduated from high school only a few months earlier. Shocked, I didn't want to believe it could be true. My daughter needs a residential...
When Homosexuality Hits Home: One Mom’s Story Part 1
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Feb 7, 2022 | what you can do
Many parents today find themselves with a child who is confused about their sexual identity. Homosexuality has hit home. Unprepared and unsure of how to respond these parents...