Yesterday was Father's Day. Are you among the many dads who didn't enjoy the day? You might not have observed Father's Day in any way for a number of reasons. If the difficulty...
6 Helpful Tips If Father’s Day Will be Hard
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Jun 12, 2023 | holidays
Father's Day is this coming Sunday. Are you a brokenhearted dad because of your child’s choices, struggles, and dangerous behaviors? Is your soul shipwrecked with disappointment,...
Encouraging Suggestions for Parents in Pain
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Apr 24, 2023 | what you can do
Parents in pain struggle with tremendous amounts of discouragement. Watching our children's lives ebb away because of alcohol or drugs, mental illness, repeated incarceration, or...
God Cares When We Cry
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Mar 20, 2023 | hope
Parents who are brokenhearted over their teen or adult children because of their agonizing struggles and destructive choices shed many tears. Reasons vary: addiction, mental...
When God Makes Hurting Parents Wait
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Dec 5, 2022 | what you can do
Sick and tired of waiting for change, I wondered how long before for my daughter would be ready to quit drinking and making poor choices? When would she accept help? At 25 she...
Beauty From the Ashes of Having a Self-Destructive Daughter, Part 2
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Oct 31, 2022 | hope
Today's post is part 2 of the beauty I have experienced from the ashes of parenting my self-destructive daughter. To my surprise, I found "gifts" on this long, hard journey. This...
3 “Marathon Parenting” Tips
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Oct 17, 2022 | hope
The journey of parenting a troubled teen or adult is much like running a race, but it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. I was once in great need of some "marathon parenting" tips....
4 Reasons for Parents Not to Give Up On their Troubled Kids
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Oct 10, 2022 | what you can do
"I give up. I can't do this anymore. It's too hard. I'm not strong enough for the job. It's beyond my capacity. I need help." This was how I felt about the lady finger palms...
A Father’s First Year After His Son’s Suicide
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Oct 3, 2022 | what you can do
Today's post is one I share every year. The author is one of my guest bloggers, Nick Watts, a father whose son died by suicide six years ago. With beautiful authenticity, Nick...
The Hurricanes of Parenting
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Sep 30, 2022 | what you can do
We live in Orlando. We experienced hurricane Ian this week. Thankfully, we had minimal damage. The worst has passed us now. After going through a previous hurricane I noticed a...
13 Reasons Why Not: An Open Letter to A Friend Who Died by Suicide
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Sep 26, 2022 | what you can do
Suicide. This manner of death impacts millions of families worldwide annually. Each year, 34,598 people die by their own hand. An average of 94 people die this way every day. Did...
Dear Depressed Parent, God Will Carry You
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Aug 1, 2022 | who you can be
Another middle of the night phone call delivered news of yet another hospital stay in the psych ward for my daughter. Cutting herself severly and suffering with an alcohol...