Today’s post is Part 2 of our interview with the mother of an addict. This is a continuation from last week's blog on Jan. 27th. I believe there are many things she shared that...
who you can be
An Honest Interview with the Mother of an Addict, Part 1
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Jan 27, 2020 | who you can be
Today’s post is Part 1 of an interview with the mother of an addict. I first shared it a few years ago, but felt impressed to share it again. The drug problem continues to grow...
Brokenhearted Parents Need Resilience
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Aug 29, 2013 | who you can be
Are you a resilient person? What is resilience and why do brokenhearted parents need it? The dictionary defines resilience as the ability to recover quickly from adversity,...
Something Weary Parents Lack
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Feb 16, 2013 | who you can be
Are you a weary parent? Are you drained? Depleted? Worn out from dealing with your child's rebelliousness, alcohol and drug abuse, eating disorder, forms of self-injury like...
A Parent’s Hero
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Jan 27, 2013 | what you can do, who you can be
How do you adequately thank someone for saving your child's life who was in bondage to addictions? What do you say to the person who selflessly gave so much of themselves with no...
A Different Kind of Hope for Broken-hearted Parents
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Oct 1, 2012 | who you can be
My daughter has suffered for a long time now with drug and alcohol addiction, self harm, mental illness (depression/bipolar disorder) and the long-lasting effects of being...
Struggling Parents Need This More Than Anything Else
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Jul 24, 2012 | who you can be
What do you need when your son's drinking is beginning to damage his life and he won't listen to your warnings? What do you need when your daughter is depressed, cutting herself...
What do Parents in Pain Need?
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Apr 15, 2012 | who you can be
Last night was the first night of the Florida Film Festival and Renee the movie(which is about my daughter) was the opening feature film. You can find out more about it and watch...
Easter’sTruths For Hurting Parents
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Apr 4, 2012 | Uncategorized, who you can be
When I am in deep emotional and psychological pain I need something solid to hold onto. The things I have been through with my daughter have brought me the deepest pain of my...