photo cred. kristina tripkovic on unsplash
My daughter was on the brink of disaster. Defeated, helplessness overwhelmed me. I forgot how far I’d already come as the mother of a young adult with many serious problems. All I could see was how far there still was to go for her to recover. Many of you can relate. Addiction, mental illness, self-harm, sexual identity (including pornography and promiscuity), and eating disorders ruin lives. They can drain the life out of your child and crush the life out of you as you watch them drift away, not knowing if they will survive.
The Bible offers hope for finding a type of victory:
Give us aid against the enemy (fear, worry, doubt, unbelief, expectations, self-effort, hopelessness, despair, depression) for the help of man is worthless. With God we will gain the victory and he will trample down our enemies (Psalms 108:12-13 NIV).
I am always encouraged when I read these verses. When I begin to wonder if finding victory really is possible, I trurn to this passage and new hope is found. Like a breath of fresh air when I feel like I’m suffocating, I gasp for it. I take the words deep into my spiritual lungs.
What does victory look like for us? Will it mean all of our child’s problems are solved? Will it mean we have perfect peace all the time? No more trouble or conflict? Everything works out the way we want and hope for? Our dreams come true? Our child whole again; physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy? Oh how wonderful this would be.
Dear friend, brace yourself. Victory probably won’t look like this.
What am I saying? Have I lost my hope or my faith? Do I doubt God’s power to do miracles of healing and deliverance? No! By all means, no.
I propose that we can have victory in the midst of our problems. In our troubles. In our storms. In the dark, even if things don’t work out. Even if our prayers are not answered. Even if our child is never “fixed”.
Let me draw your attention to what I believe are the key words in Psalms 108:12-13.
With God.
With God we will gain the victory.
With God we will trample down our enemies.
God is the one who gives us aid.
Our victory is with God. It’s in Him and from Him and through Him. And it’s in His Son, Jesus Christ. Victory is overcoming through faith in Him. Trusting His power and ability to help.

photo cred. Zachary Olson on Unsplash
There’s an old hymn I remember singing about our victory – “Victory in Jesus”. A beautiful older woman I knew many years ago loved to sing this song in our small church. I believe it was her life’s theme song. Another old hymn I remember speaks about faith being the victory that overcomes the world – “Faith is the Victory”. The dictionary defines victory as “an act of winning or state of having won a battle or any kind of struggle.”
That’s a perfect description, isn’t it? You and I are in a battle — a spiritual one — for our sanity. We desperately need to win for the sake of our own well-being. We’re also in a battle for the lives and souls of our beloved children. Oh how we long to win that one too.
Can a brokenhearted parent find victory? I believe ithey can. How? By turning to God, accessing his power, strength, and ability to replace their weakness, limitations, and inability. Victory is how He shows up in our trials, enabling us to walk through them with faith,trust, and even joy. And this victory is possible for anyone.
Here are a few more Bible verses that remind me victory can be ours:
Psalm 44: 5-8 Through you we push back our enemies, through your name we trample our foes. I do not trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but You give us victory . . . in God we will make our boast all day long.
I Corinthians 15:54, 57 . . . death has been swallowed up in victory . . . but thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
I John 5:5 This is the victory that has overcome the world (all our enemies) . . . our faith.
If you’re brokenhearted, overwhelmed, and defeated today, remember … With God you can gain the victory.
I needed this right now. Thank you so much for this post today and for this site altogether. God bless you as you have blessed me.
Thank you for your comment. I am so glad it helped you and I hope you will find more encourag
ement here!
Thank you so much! Your words touched me perfectly! Your website is one of my first stops in times of difficulty and desperation.
Nic, it is a real blessing to hear how much my words help you and that our website is a source for you when you need it.
Blessings of peace and hope to you this Easter week.