5 Activites to Help Weary Parents

by | Apr 26, 2024 | what you can do | 11 comments

I have a deep faith in God and a close walk with him for over 55 years, but my husband’s cancer has depleted my reserves. Because Christ lives in me, I consider myself able to handle a lot of stress, but his cancer diagnosis and chemo hourney has had a big impact on my life, even though his cancer is very treatable. For that I am incredibly grateful.

After shedding many tears and having hard conversations with our children numbness set in. On the outside I appeared to function normally but I was in shock. I went through the day on autopilot: Get up, wash face, put on make up, get dressed, brush hair, eaat breakfast, pack food for the day then go to the hospital (my husband spent 28 out of 40 days hospitalized between mid-December and mid-January). Checking each item off the list, I pressed on. His first round of chemo was given late January as an in-patient because of his heart condition. The rest have been at his oncologist’s infusion center. It is a regimen of 5 continuous days – one day at the office, then he brings a chemo bag home for a 24 hour IV drip. What a major life adjustment.

A Realization

I needed to be positive and upbeat not only for my husand’s sake, but for our family’s. Putting one foot in front of the other I kept moving forward trying to do everything I always did while relying heavily on God’s strength. However, after all those days in the hospital I began to realize something: I was in shock and worn out. One day I confided to a close friend, “I feel lost, like I woke up in a foreign world and I don’t know the language or how to find my way around. And I’m scared. I don’t know what is ahead. I’ve been deeply shaken by this and I’m not okay.”

In that moment I had another realization: This was similar to the way I felt when we first received our daughter’s mental health diagnosis, discovering she was in grave danger of being a suicide victim; then a few months later when we found out about her drug and alcohol abuse. I’m sure many of you know from your own experiences that in circumstances of emotional upheaval you somehow manage to continue functioning. You go through your daily routine tasks of preparing meals, grocery shopping, doing laundry, and doing your work, but more like a robot on auto-pilot.

The Toll of Being a Caregiver

photo cred. Nani Chavez on unsplash

As a result, you have not seen many blog posts from me or received as many messages from my email subscription. The toll of being a caregiver, walking alongside a loved one going through chemo or some other treatment for a chronic illness, reduces your capacity to be productive or cope with stress like you did in the past. As time goes by the effects of chemo increase. The journey becomes more difficult for the individual as well as their family.

I’m not able to give as much of myself as I have previously. I just don’t have it in me. I can’t focus on tasks or manage details like usual. I’ve also dropped a lot of “balls”. You may have heard the term “chemo brain”. Well, I think I have it too. I’m more forgetful and accidentally overlook things I need to do. I no longer have the ability to keep the various plates in my life spinning. An example is that I neglected to send a birthday gift and card to one of my precious granddaughters! I couldn’t belive that happened. It never has before. I’ve been a grandma for fourteen years. I felt so bad, but I recalled what I learned during the years my daughter struggled to thrive. …

I give myself a lot of grace. Mom or dad, please be easy on yourself. It’s not about being perfect. We’re doing the best we can and that’s enough.

5 Activities to Maintain Strength and Persevere

For all of us going through difficult times, fatigue strikes as well: physically and emotionally. All our reserves are needed to cope with the journey God has us on.

I encourage you to try doing these 5 activities to help maintain your strength and persevere during hard times: (Pick one to get started)

  1. Take one day at a time and stay in the moment.
  2. Give yourself plenty of margin. Simplify your life. Stop doing nonesential activities.
  3. Draw near to God. You could read the Bible, go to church (or find one), or pray. Tell God how you feel. He understands. He cares about you.
  4. Worship – no matter how you feel. Keep praising God for who he is. He is worthy of our adoration. YouTube is full of all types of music. You can listen to hymns, contemporary worship, piano or instrumental. Many people create a playlist on spotify or YouTube for their sad days, or the days they want happy music. This is one I like on YouTube, peaceful and quiet piano music. And this is an uplifting song by Chris Tomlin.
  5. Practice gratitude – get a small notepad and record something you are thankful for everyday. Start small: I got out of bed; the sun is shining, etc.


These are a few Bible verses I hold on to:

  • “Praise the Lord … for great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever” (Psalm 117:2 NIV).
  • “Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you” (Psalm 116:5-7 NIV).
  • “But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me” (2 Timothy 4:17 NIV).


If you’d like to follow my husband Tom’s cancer journey to know how to pray for us, below is the link to his Caring Bridge page. If you create an account and “follow” him (Thomas Yohe) you will receive email notifications when he posts a new journal entry: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/tomsjourney5/journal

What do you do to maintain your strength an persevere during hard times?





  1. Jane Martin

    I’m so sorry that you and your husband are having to go through this. I’m praying that you will feel God’s love, nearness and peace. thank you so much for the many ways that you have been helping others.!❤️✝️

  2. Dolly Cowan

    Dena, your emails have played such an important part in my life. They often have come at just the Right time/moment I Thankyou for the Blessing you have been in my life. You have taught me to look to God a nd He has given “just enough” to continue on. I pray that daily support for you and Tom from the One Who is Able.

  3. Julie

    I’m a newer subscriber but wanted to send my thoughts and prayers. Our God is standing with you and I pray He gives you the strength, peace and comfort you need. Your emails have been such an encouragement to me. They always come at the right time and have been such a blessing to me. I know God will bring you through this.

  4. Mary Louise Walker

    Dena thank you for your honesty and vulnerability to share your experience and limits.
    You are in my prayers for both you and Tom as Father continues to use you for His Glory in your pain.
    Your words are comforting and encouraging as you continue to persevere in the Valley Walk.
    Your words feelings and facts are common to what I have experienced this past year as you and Tom have blessed me in this journey of being a cancer patient myself, a newly grieving widow and also grieving the effects of mental illness in our oldest son. Your words give my feelings a voice and I thank you.

  5. Carol

    You and Tom have helped so many hurting parents! You both have touched so many lives! I am so thankful for you both! Your love and support have been such a blessing and the hope your ministry has given is a gift! Praying for Tom to go into remission for years to come! Thank you for all you both have done for others!

  6. Tony

    Dena, what a blessing you and Tom have been in our lives. It breaks my heart knowing what you are both going through. Through your pain and transparency you continue to minister to others.
    We continue to lift you and Tom up in prayers. All to the the glory of God.

    • Tom and Dena Yohe

      Thank you so much, Tony. You are a blessing to us as well!

  7. Ann Orand

    I know it is so hard to go through this and keep on keeping on. You are doing everything you can and you are loved for it. God is with you and so are many other family and friends. You are not alone. Thank you for sharing your life with us and for all you and Tom have done for your community of friends across the world. You are both in my heart and prayers.

    • Tom and Dena Yohe

      Thank you, Ann. You are so kind and encouraging.

  8. api77

    The article’s comprehensive approach to the topic is highly informative.

    • Tom and Dena Yohe

      Thank you. I hope it was helpful for yhou in some way.