“I sought the Lord and He heard me and he delivered me from ALL my fears.” (Psalms 34:4)
Oh, God, I thank you that you always hear us when we come to You. Deliver us when we call to you! Deliver us from ALL our fears for our children. Our fears are many. We fear for their soul (will they have faith in God?), for their health (emotional and physical – do they have a mental illness or an eating disorder?) and the damage they are doing (or could do) to their body (will they become dependent on alcohol or drugs?), for their future (what will it hold? will they end up in jail one day?), for their relationships (who are their friend, who they will marry one day?), for their safety (are they placing themselves in danger?) for their reputation (what will others think?) and some of us fear for their very lives. (will we lose them?)
We are in desperate need of Someone to deliver us from these tormenting thoughts! We are weary of dealing with them. Worn out. Completely.
To Deliver. . . . . The dictionary definition is: to set free or liberate; to release or save.
Sounds good, doesn’t it?
All I know is that I am not strong enough or smart enough to handle my fears on my own. I cannot free myself from them. It’s too hard. They are so many and they are so powerful. But one thing I have discovered I can do is to pray. This has helped me so much. I should turn to prayer much more quickly than I sometimes do. So here is my prayer for myself and for you, dear mom or dad, if you are struggling with fear, too.
Father, in Jesus name I ask that you will set us free. Liberate us. Release us. Save us from the myriad of fears we have for our sons and daughters. If You do not deliver us, O Lord, we will be endlessly bound up and harassed from within. Our fears will eat us up and run us into the ground. They will keep us awake at night, cause our stomachs to churn, our hearts to burn, our nerves to fray, our health to ruin.
But You, O God, are our Deliverer!!! I ask that you will liberate each parent who is reading this right now!!! They cannot do it on their own! It is impossible! Only with You. Only with Your help. Show us how to give You all our fears and leave them in Your hands! Give us release and relief. Save us. Help us take them to You each day and leave them at Your throne. We put them in a box, put the lid on tightly and then give them to you. Here they are. Take them, please. We don’t want them any more. Oh, and in their place please deposit your peace. How we need it! Amen.