Her name was Brie. She was 14 years old. She was like a member of our family. She was furry and friendly and was just a mutt - part Cocker Spaniel and part Golden Retriever,...
What Can a Parent Do With Their Fears?
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Sep 16, 2012 | what you can do
“I sought the Lord and He heard me and he delivered me from ALL my fears.” (Psalms 34:4) Oh, God, I thank you that you always hear us when we come to You. Deliver us when we...
Something Weary Parents Lack
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Jul 26, 2012 | what you can do
Are you a weary parent? Are you drained? Depleted? Worn out from dealing with your child's problems with alcohol and drugs, eating disorders and all forms of self harm like...
Struggling Parents Need This More Than Anything Else
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Jul 24, 2012 | who you can be
What do you need when your son's drinking is beginning to damage his life and he won't listen to your warnings? What do you need when your daughter is depressed, cutting herself...
What do Parents in Pain Need?
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Apr 15, 2012 | who you can be
Last night was the first night of the Florida Film Festival and Renee the movie(which is about my daughter) was the opening feature film. You can find out more about it and watch...
Whitney Houston’s death is a message to Parents
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Feb 14, 2012 | what you can do
Whitney Houston's death was such tragic news. I just loved her voice. Oh my, could she ever belt out a song and make it memorable! While I know no one really knows what...
The Shooting in Norway
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Jul 30, 2011 | what you can do
I wanted to express my deepest sympathy to the families who lost loved ones in the shooting and bombing in Norway. My mind keeps being drawn to those grief-stricken parents...
I Really Hate Alcohol and Drugs!
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Jul 25, 2011 | what you can do
I really, really hate alcohol and drugs. I hate what abusing these substances does to lives. If I really think about it for too long I can begin to feel rageful! It's even...
Accepting my child’s destructive choices
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Jul 21, 2011 | what you can do
Acceptance. Hmmmmmm . . . . What does it look like to work through painful losses with your son or daughter? When your child has a problem with drugs or alcohol,...
Thankful even in pain
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Apr 22, 2011 | what you can do
There is so much to be thankful for even when we are in pain from having a child that is breaking our heart. You may say, as I once did, "How can I? There is nothing to be...
Powerless to Change My Child
by Tom and Dena Yohe | Feb 14, 2011 | prayer, what you can do
"I can’t. God can. I think I’ll let him!” I love this statement. I think it should be the motto of every parent of a challenging, troubled child. If your son or daughter...