Parents in Pain Need Hope

by | Feb 25, 2015 | what you can do

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAre you a parent who needs hope for your son or daughter? Do they struggle with destructive, dangerous behaviors and choices? Have they been diagnosed with a brain disorder or mental illness? Do they have an addiction? Are they serving a jail term or prison sentence? Have they told you they’re gay? Maybe they let you know they plan to marry their partner or become parents together?

Some of you have no idea where your child is. They rejected  you and your values and went out on their own. Some left town a long time ago, never looking back. You don’t even know if they’re dead or alive. If only they would call or send an email. If only.

If this is you, there’s something you need.


Your child may come back to you – and maybe not. Your son may call tomorrow. Your daughter could show up at the front door next week – and maybe not. There’s no way to know. I don’t mean to depress you, but we have to face reality. Our prayers might be answered, but what if they aren’t? What then? Can you still have hope?

You used to have plenty of it – boat loads -but that was then, and this is now. Your hope’s all gone. You’re older and wiser. You know more than you wish you did.

What can you do? You can put your hope in God. Yes. Hope. In. God. In who He is and what He’s already done.

beauty2He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and everything in them. “Our help is in the name of the lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”




hope in the stormHe is all powerful. He can do anything. Nothing is too hard for him.




He is love. His love is unfailing – for everyone.







Sovereign Jesus

He is forgiving and good to all who call on Him in truth.






He is our Counselor and Comforter.











He is our hope.

Remembering these things helps me. With a god like this I can get through anything. I can hold on to hope – so can you. HE is our hope and He is holding on to you!

In Him you will be okay, even if your child is never okay, even if things never work out and you’re never reconciled to them.



Dear God, please encourage each mom or dad reading helpthis blog today. Remind them who You are.You are their strength and help. If they’re not so sure, convince them these things are true. Reveal Yourself to them. Renew their hope and help them keep it in You. Reassure them that You will carry them all the way through this painful trial with their child. May they never give up praying for their sons and daughters, but may they learn to keep their hope in You – whatever happens.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.