You Are Not Alone
We provide resources for parents hurting over destructive behaviors or choices of their teen to adult children.
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Does this sound like your parenting journey?
Strong emotions:
Fear, Guilt, Anger, Grief and Loss, Hopelessness, Worry, Anxiety, Powerlessness
Struggle with:
Enabling, Isolation,Trust, Control, Expectations
Damage to:
Marriages and Family Relationships, Health, Employment and Finances, Spiritual Well-Being

We offer comfort, encouragement, and hope!
Blogs on relevant topics to hurting parents
Encouraging messages to your inbox
Dena’s book, You Are Not Alone, and other book recommendations
Support Group find a group near you or start a group: We offer a Support Group Facilitator Guide, a Parent Notebook, and FREE coaching.
Facebook groups, both open and private
Personal Meetings
Phone and Skype appointments
Intercessory Prayer
Speaking and Seminars
You Are Not Alone
by Dena Yohe
You would go to the ends of the earth for your child. So, if your teenager or young adult is in the midst of crisis due to self-injury, mental illness, depression, bullying, or destructive choices, you probably feel broken, powerless, and isolated.
Dena Yohe wants you to know you are not alone. You are not a bad parent. And you are going to be okay.
Dena has been where you are. In You Are Not Alone, she speaks from experience as she offers healthy ways to maintain your other relationships, suggestions for responding to friends who don’t understand, and ideas for keeping up your emotional and spiritual well-being when your world feels as if it’s crashing down.
It is possible to find purpose in your pain, joy beyond your fear, and hope for every tomorrow. Includes prayers, exercises, websites, and other helpful resources.
Moments of Clarity: Wisdom from the Father of a Prodigal
by Tom Yohe
A parent’s heart breaks whenever their child heads down a destructive path in life. Yet, when God’s redemptive hand moves in the parent and the child, wondrous things can happen. Join author Tom Yohe as he shares the moments of clarity and wisdom from God he received while his family endured the tumultuous journey through the mental illness, addiction, and self-harming actions of a rebellious teenage daughter.
Each chapter contains hard-fought moments of clarity that are like refreshing therapy sessions, providing a much-needed deluge of grace.This is a page-turner and must-have for every struggling parent of a prodigal.
“Moments of Clarity is a rare find as Tom’s heart transparently opens to us, revealing the hurts, challenges, and exhaustion associated with raising a prodigal.”
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Start a Support Group
Do you long to be part of a group just for parents that cover a broad range of issues, while also allowing for your Christian perspective, scripture, and prayer?
We’ve been facilitating this kind of group in our home for over eight years and it’s where Hope for Hurting Parents support groups began. When parents began asking about groups in their location and there weren’t any, we decided to write a guide to help them start one.
You might be thinking, “I’m such a mess how can I lead a group?” We’ve taken the emphasis off leading and placed it on facilitating. Your role is not as a teacher or instructor, rather, you’re simply a facilitator sharing content, asking a few open-ended questions, then guiding the discussion. You aren’t expected to know everything or have your act together. We’re all fellow strugglers on the same heartbreaking path. Authenticity and a willingness to be vulnerable with your trials is your best asset.
We recognize that what we do and how we do it – the frequency our group meets and where – may not fit every situation. Feel free to structure your group as you see best. Our goal is to have more support groups all over the country. There are many parents in need, with few resources available.
It’s not our intention to create high content-driven groups. Rather, these groups are safe, confidential, loving communities for hurting parents to find the encouragement, resources, acceptance, comfort, and hope they need.
Our goal is to give parents the opportunity to share honestly about their feelings with others who understand, won’t think less of them, or give pat answers.
A few of the 22 topics are: grief and loss, worry and anxiety, enabling, fear, communication, and anger. You may use them in any order you choose. There’s enough material for a whole year if you met twice a month, once in November and December due to the holidays. You can determine how often you want to meet.
Purchase the complete Facilitator Guide and Parent Notebooks
Spanish Edition Now Available
Facilitator Guide


Parent Notebook